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This course addresses emerging and/or emergent legal issues that are likely to confront Judge Advocates and other practitioners assigned to international and operational law billets. Although the course is held in conjunction with the Operational Law of Armed Conflict Course (OPLOAC) (5F-F47), it is also intended to serve as a stand-alone course for experienced practitioners who may not be able to attend the two-week OPLOAC, and who wish to examine the selected focus area in depth. (Of note, students attending OPLOAC will also be attending the Emergent Topics in International and Operational Law Course.) The course provides TJAGLCS and the JAG Corps with operational flexibility to address emergent topics in international and operational law, and therefore the focus of instruction for each course will change in accordance with evolving legal issues. As such, the course description will be updated on a course-by-course basis in the Army Training Requirements and Resources System (ATRRS) in advance of each session.